Do you suspect that someone knows your system password? Then we suggest you change the computer password. As this will help in protecting your personal data. But in case you do not know how to change computer password then you may follow the steps below. 

Now Change Your Password in Simple Steps! 

  1. From the desktop of your computer tap “Start” button. 

  2. Then go to the control panel so that you can do the possible changes. 

  3. From the options, tap on “User Accounts and Family Safety”. 

  4. Out of the three options displayed in front of you, tap on the very first option “Change your Windows password” which is the sub-option under “User Accounts”. 

  5. Then select “Change password” option from the window displayed in front of you. 

  6. A new window gets displayed where you have to enter the current password in the first box and the new password in second and confirm the new password in the third box. 

  7. After filling all the three boxes tap on “Change password” from the bottom of the page. 

  8. The password is successfully changed.

Need Help? Computer Customer Service Number ! The users who want further information may contact Microsoft support. This support is made available 24/7 for the convenience of users.