Recover Suspended Google Account

Google can be suspended because of many reasons. In case your Google account got suspended then thee can be lot of reasons behind it. Some of the reason are as follows

  1. If the User’s account has been suspended 5 times in same year
  2. Goggle will take 24 hours in prior to restoring the account
  3. Account will get suspended automatically in case of abuse
  4. If the user is using the Free edition if g suite

In case if the account of the user has been suspended due to the reason all the reasons listed below then user can follow these steps following steps to restore suspended Google account without nay hassle.

How to restore Google suspended account ?

Follow these east steps and get your Google account back

  1. Firstly Login to your Google Admin console the user will have to sign in an account with the administrator account, not with your personal account
  2. You will be able to view “users” mentioned on Admin console home page
  3. Search for the user in users and for more information visit the  find the user account
  4. To open their account page, press on the user’s page. There will be a message demonstrating why the account has been suspended.
  5. Press on restore account
  6. Then click on the reset option in order to confirm

Note that if the restore option does not existing then wait for 24 hours so that limit will get set automatically then recover suspended Google account. During this time user can use other account. The same account can only be restored 5 times in a year if it surpasses there is no way of restoring it. To avoid your account from suspension you can login to Google mail terms and conditions.