While you take Best Buy Geek Squad services, you may also have to pay for its charges. Therefore, when you are going to get its services or facilities, then the fees are going to be different for various services. Thus, to know the complete information about How much Best Buy Geek Squad chargesbecause when your services, regular charges, and other membership charges are going to be different. To now get along with the service charges of the Geek Squad, then you are going to read the following list of points, and you get its expectancy quite accordingly. 

  • PC or Tablet setup- $39.99
  • Virus removal and operating system repair- $149.99
  • Data backup or transfer- $99.99
  • Basic Hardware installation: $39.99

How much do I need to pay Best Buy Geek Squad?

The estimated total pay that the customer will receive is around $17 to $22 per hour. If you need general information about the pay, you are supposed to contact a customer care representative, who will guide you with complete care assistance without any sort of trouble or offer you assistance for the services.

How do I contact Best Buy Geek Squad's call assistant? 

In cases where you need to connect with Geek Squad customer supportwhen you are following the phone number steps to communicate with the assistant. The phone number you will use for getting in touch with the assistant is when you have phone number 1-800-433-5778. Call this phone number and follow the prompts step-by-step, and you will then be able to get in touch with the agent and receive an appropriate set of assistance. 

Does Best Buy Geek Squad have customer support 24/7?

Yes, Best Buy Geek Squad customer support team experts or agents are going to be available 24/7. You need to use the helpdesk customer support options to connect with the agents.